
Alexika - Language Translation Services


Alexika Head Office

Harden Coach House
Clapham Road, Austwick
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01943 839227


All About Translation
All About TranslationTechnology

AI and the future of translation

We like to think to that we’re ahead of the AI (artificial intelligence) curve in the world of professional translation. We have had a form of AI – neural machine translation – around for a few years now, and it has become a helpful tool for professional linguists...

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AI Language Translation Services
All About Translation

Renaissance art and translation

I was fortunate enough to visit the exhibition entitled ‘Dürer’s Journeys – Travels of a Renaissance Artist’ at the National Gallery in London recently. Deservedly very popular, it chronicles the travels of Albrecht Dürer though renaissance Austria, Italy and the...

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Renaissance art and translation